Pour Open Street Map
1. Export a .map region file from OpenStreetMap.
Just click the Export button at the top of the page. The default area is the viewport, but you can also manually change that. Make sure the property you want is completely within the export region, then click the blue Export button to download the file.
2. Convert the OSM .map file to an OBJ model with OSM2World
OSM2World is a free Java program for converting OSM data into 3D models. Just open the .map file in OSM2World with File >> Open, then export the whole thing as an OBJ via File >> Export OBJ file. That’s it.
3. Import the OBJ into your 3D modeling application of choice and delete extraneous geometry before getting to work.
Note : il faut installer le JRE depuis cette page : https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/downloads/#jdk21-windows
On obtient des données comme ça:

J’ai essayé de faire un export OBJ, mais cela rame…
Pour Google Map
Il faut installer le plugin BLOSM pour Blender. C’est un plugin gratuit, qui récupère les données au format OSM, pour Google Map ou pour Open Street Map.